In accordance with the programmed activities of the Erasmus Plus "European Oliympics" project that our school is developing, a health survey among students has been carried out. They answered to the suggested questions through the Google forms application. Considering that the results were going to be different in relation to the sex and the age groups targeted, we directed the survey to:
We also try to cover as many health issues as possible without the survey being excessively long, so we divided the survey into the following sections:
• Use of Alcohol
• Food Intake
• Use of Drugs
• Hygiene
• Mental health
• Physical activity.
• Use of Tobacco.
In the case of Bulgaria students under 14 years old have not been taken into account due to the small number of answers.
The results are the following:
1.Use of Alcohol
In general, the percentage of students under the age of 14 who have taken alcohol is low or very low. However, it is in the next age range when the percentages increase. In boys and girls over 14 years of age, the data are as follows:
Spain ............. ... between 33% and 48%
Slovenia............. between 44'4% and 46'7%
Portugal.............. between 63.6% and 75.4%
Bulgaria............ between 94.6% and 78.6%
In all countries, the highest percentages correspond to the group of girls. The percentage of students who have drunk alcohol in the last 30 days ranges from 6'7 (Slovenia) to 62'2% (Bulgaria).
Regarding the percentages of students who have been drunk throughout their lives, the results show the following data:
Spain........... Between 16% and 21'7% (Girls)
Slovenia....... Between 7'7% and 22% 8 Girls)
Portugal.........Between 20.5% and 21.3% (Girls)
Bulgaria......... Between 50% and 78'4% (Girls)
2. Food intake
The weight and height of the interviewees is normal in all countries.
It is significant, however, that the percentage of girls who have ever been hungry for not wanting to increase their weight is high in all countries. The data are the following
Spain ............ 27% in girls and 15% in boys
Slovenia..........54% in girls and 11'1% in boys
Portugal ...........26% in girls and 13% in boys
Bulgaria ...........68'3% in girls and 46'9 in boys
Of these, an average of 9% say they do it because they do not want to get fat always or almost always.
In general, our students eat fruits and vegetables regularly, do not usually drink sugary drinks and do not eat frequently in fast food restaurants. In Bulgaria, however, there is a percentage of 21.4% of students who frequently drink sugary drinks. Some 7'1% of Bulgarian boys over the age of 14 say they eat at fast food restaurants every day.
We consider it important to underline that 46% of Slovenian girls and 48.6% of Bulgarian girls over the age of 14 do not eat breakfast before going to school. These percentages fall substantially in boys.
3. Drug use
There are no relevant data regarding the use of drugs in students under 14 in any of the countries.
As for the next age group, the data regarding students who have smoked hashish or marijuana are as follows
Slovenia...... 19% (Girls)
Bulgaria...... 32% (Boys) and 45'9% (girls)
In Bulgaria 16.2% of girls and 25% of boys have also taken amphetamines or methamphetamines.
4. Hygiene
It is significant that a high percentage of our students in all countries only wash their teeth once a day or never wash them.
13% in Spain, 12% in Slovenia, 7'5 in Portugal and 26% in Bulgaria.
The percentages do not vary much in any of the countries in terms of washing hands after using the bathroom, before eating and using soap to do so.
5. Mental health
The percentages of girls under and over 14 who at some point have felt alone are significantly high in all countries:
Bulgaria............. 81'1%
In most countries, the feeling of loneliness affects girls much more than boys, but in Bulgaria, 85.7% of boys say they felt alone at some time during the last year and a 32'1 % of these say they have experienced that feeling always or almost always.
Around 40% of the girls and boys of all countries claim to have been so worried about something that they could not sleep at any time during the last 12 months. In Bulgaria, these figures increase to 78% .9% of boys over 14
A high percentage of boys and girls say they have not understood their feelings over the past year. Girls over 14 have the highest figures.
Spain ...... 79'7%
Slovenia. ... 73'3%
Portugal... ... 77%
Bulgaria... ... 42.9%
On the other hand, the data corresponding to the question "have you ever felt so sad that you thought that sadness was unbearable in the last 12 months?"
In Spain, 43% of girls and 63.8% of boys
In Slovenia, 53'3% of girls and 27'8% of boys
In Portugal, 32% of girls and 38% of boys.
In Bulgaria, 70'3% of girls and 57'1% of boys.
In general, all maintain good relations with parents, siblings and friends but a high percentage of students sleep only 5 or 6 hours each day:
In Spain ……………..9`5%
In Slovenia …………..18%
In Portugal …………... between 17.9% and 23%
In Bulgaria……………. between 32'1% and 18'9%
6. Physical activity
In Spain, 50% of the students interviewed perform physical activity outside school and most practice some type of physical activity for more than 60 minutes at least 3 days a week.
In Slovenia, 18.5% of the girls under 14 did not do any physical activity during the last seven days and 46.2% of the boys of that age group, only did it one day for 60 minutes.
In girls older than 14 years, 33'3% does not perform any physical activity either in the school or outside it. In boys of the same age, this percentage is 27.8%.
In Portugal ,about 30-34% of girls and boys under 14 perform physical activity outside school and most practice some type of physical activity for more than 60 minutes at least twice a week. But only 29% of girls over 14 do the same. 25% of boys over 14 say they do it more than 5 days a week.
More than 50% of boys and girls under 14 don't walk or cycle to school and the same happens with girls and boys over 14 in a smaller percentage.
In Bulgaria, 32% of boys and 18.9% of girls say they sleep only 5 or 6 hours each day.
35.1% of girls and 17.9% of boys do not do any kind of physical activity.
7. Use of Tobacco
In general, the data of students under 14 who have tried tobacco are irrelevant. The highest percentages are found, again among girls over 14 years old. These are the data that show:
Spain ............ 27%
Slovenia ...... .. 33'3%
Portugal ......... .10'8%
Bulgaria ......... .67'6%
However, most claim not to be a regular consumer of cigarettes.
In most cases around 30% of parents smoke..